Tributes to Barry

Just so difficult to accept what happened to you that awful day but the happy memories we have is helping a lot.

Loved Always,
Mam & Dad
It's great to get the opportunity to pay tribute to you Barry.

Your life was cut short through your tragic accident but we remember you fondly every day. Your easy way and gentle smile will stay with us forever and we feel that you are with us in spirit.

John & Paula
I have so many great memories of you Barry - it is just so difficult to comprehend what s happened and that you are gone from this life.

Your life was going so well for you; You had such a great future ahead of you. You always worked very hard and enjoyed life. I was always so proud of you and looked up to you in many ways - it s just not fair that your time with us ended so soon in such tragic circumstances.

It s awful that you are not here, we are left with no choice but to try and go on living our lives. So we go on, living, thinking about what happened and remembering you many times each day.

I have many happy memories - from just being around home, farming, working, hurling, golf, going to matches, nights out.... which I will never forget.

Missing you all the time Barry,
Barry, thinking of you always and ever. You were an amazing lad with a heart of gold.

We all have been devastated by your loss.

You re the best brother that anyone could ask for... it s your memory that keeps us going and recalling all the happy times we had together.


As another new year begins, we feel so sad that you are not with us. Life is diffficult but we continue to remember everything about your short life.

Love Mam & Dad
Cherished memories of you Barry. All that was good about life you epitomised it. You are always close to my heart everyday in every little job I do. You were my right hand for so many years at work and I owe you so much. You were always there for me when times were hard.

But Barry you were more than an excellent partner at work you were my brother. You will always be missed but I know you are looking down on us every day because if you weren't we wouldn't be able to carry on.

Always thinking of you Barry,

Your untimely death was such a life changing event for all of us and we are all still struggling at the unfairness of it all. You were such a good guy Barry with your whole life ahead of you and the world would have been such a better place if you were still with us. We can only hope that some day the pain of losing you will become more bearable especially for those closest to you. We were always so proud of you no more so then on the day of your Funeral and the amount of people who turned out to pay their final respects to you. For such a short life your kind nature and generosity of spirit touched so many and that was so evident on those final few days. So many people die alone Barry but you united hundreds of us in grief all of us wanting to be there to grieve for you and support your family and each other. You were doing good even while dying... and that takes someone very special. You will never be forgotten and we all have wonderful memories of you and I especially adored you when you were little with your pudgy little face and your complete ease with the world. I remembering collecting you from school one day and you had face paint on and your eyes were dancing in your head with both excitement and devilment! Homework was not on your itinerary that evening despite my best intentions and you advised me not to worry about it and if the teacher got cross sure let her off she would get over it ! I still smile when I think of that.

You are missed dearly,
Dear Barry,

How we all miss you, I think of how you were taken so quickly from this life and how unfair it is, but have to accept that this can happen and no matter what we cannot bring you back.

Although I did not see much of you as you were growing up, we have video of you playing with Geoff's young nephews at our wedding and then the last time we were home you played with Jim (then 18 months) all the time, and that just breaks my heart. He would walk towards you every time you walked in and you would carry him around. I used to say to you that Jim will have to learn how to walk when I got back here to Australia. You were so good natured and kind.


It is still so hard to come to terms that you are gone from us. You were and always will be such a big part of my life. We shared so many happy times together and I will treasure these memories always. Time has passed so quickly but the pain of loosing you will never go away. I know that you are there in spirit helping us get through each day without you.

Love always,
Barry from the day you were born you brought so much happiness, love and fun to so many people but your passing has brought so much unbearable pain.

You were such a gorgeous lad and wow could you move to the Michael Jackson thriller dance, super memory, you put your brothers to shame!!!!! For Ross, Lady GAGA and poker face are great memories of your skiing holiday in February of 2009.

Life is not fair and I know God says " I'll lend you for a while a child of mine, "for you to love the while he lives It may be four years or five years or forty or three: But will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me?. " it still seems so unfair!

To Colm, Maresa, Patrick, Adrian, Colin & Susan remember when we leave this earth, the love that we have given and received remains behind to light the lives of those we touched, each memory a candle burning bright May memories and love live on.

I know we cannot even begin to imagine the pain of your loss and there is nothing we can do to change things but maybe just knowing that we are here will help, take our hand when you feel alone, walk with us when your heart needs company and turn to us when you need someone to lean because we are your friends and we will always care."

God Bless you and keep you strong

Mike & Mary, Castleboy
Even though the days and weeks roll by, we think of you always.
You are always in our hearts...
Miss you dearly

Brenda & Adrian

It is so strange to think that two years have now passed since you were last with us.

Everyone acknowledges and remembers with fondness how you grew to become such a distinguished young man. While I no doubt echo those sentiments my favourite memories of you are back when we were younger and I came to Skehana on summer holidays to generally make a nuisance of myself on the farm. You were such a gentle and kind-natured youngster but your infrequent and uncharacteristic encounters with trouble seemed to be highly correlated to my being there. Let's not mention the infamous stone-throwing incident but a story I do love to recall is the game of hide-and-go-seek which we played with Susan in the shed. Whilst she was busying herself counting to 50 at the side of the shed, we hopped on our bikes and cycled mischievously back to the house. It wasn't until Colin's timely intervention 45 minutes later that poor Susan was put out of her misery apparently thinking that we had discovered the best hiding places that the shed had ever known!

You were always a great cousin to me, Barry. I loved the St Thomas' hurling summer camps we attended and the times we spent running ragged around various Rosney owned establishments during Martyn family get-togethers in Killarney.

I remember returning to London after your untimely death and experiencing an extraordinary combination of emotions: sadness, disbelief and pride. The third item on that list may sound peculiar but it came to me as I described the magnitude of your funeral to my friends and colleagues. The thousands of mourners who queued for hours to pay their respects is testament to how highly regarded you were both within your local community and far beyond.

With your professionalism at work, your commitment to St Thomas' and your dedication to farming, anyone would consider it an outstanding achievement to accomplish in 80 years what you managed in just 25. You were a true gentleman, a tribute to your family and a person who to this day and every other day, I feel privileged to have known.

You will be missed but never forgotten.

Every day since the 29th May 2009 - it is so long to be without you.
In the twenty five years we had together, you have left me with great happy memories of the time we spent together - on the farm, with St. Thomas's Hurling club, on holidays or just at home sitting at the kitchen table having a joke with the rest of the lads and you often covering for Susan.

Your ability to plan and organise work as an electrician was truly exceptional. You are missed so much each day.

I hope and pray that your pain is over and you are now in a better place. Now that you have left us, I think of you every day and pray that you are happy.

The pain of losing you was and is unbearable, but as time goes on I'm getting used to carrying that pain of losing you. You have a special place in my heart that will never leave. When I have a problem or a challenge, you are the first person I think of - that's why I look for help so often from you.

Barry, you are always in my prayers and thoughts.

God Bless you Barry,


Adrian and Brenda were married at the weekend. YOU were missed so much - We think and pray to you.
All our Love,

Mam & Dad

You were missed so much last weekend at Adrian and Brenda s wedding. I know how excited and proud you would have been leading up to the big day and to be sitting at the top table beside Adrian, Patrick, Colin and Florence. You would have been in your element, especially having to wear tails for the day and as Colm said in his speech, showing off your dance moves! Even though you were not there with us, you were very much part of the weekend in spirit.

Love always,

It still feels like it was yesterday when we lost you. There is no way I will ever be able to put into words how much I miss you. I know you are always with me and that you will take care of me as I go on my travels; And that you will take care of everyone at home.

Miss you forever
Thinking of you this weekend Barry,
Today You would have been 28 years old. We are all just so sad and lonely without you. No Birthday cards to give you, just thinking about you all the time and wishing you were out and about. Barry there are no words to define the great loss we feel since your accident.

Loved and Missed every day
Mam, Dad & all of us. X
Barry, as we start a new year 2012, we remain lost without you. There is no change to that physical pain of your great loss. Lorna was with us yesterday for New Year's day. We think and talk about you and wished you were here.

Love Mam, Dad & all of us. X
I know yourself and dad are haven some chats..
You will never be forgotten around Peterswell.

Stephen F
I think and pray for you every day. I never thought that you would leave us so early. I used to love to see yourself and Lorna coming through the door. I still can't believe that I won't see your lovely face again. You had such a lovely kind temperant like your Mother. I'll never forget you Barry and thanks for all the jobs you did for me around the house . They are a constant reminder to me now and I am glad to have them. I hope you have put in extra sockets for me in heaven and keep a nice armchair ready for me up there.

Love and god bless you
Hi Barry,

It s coming near the end of April Barry and the hurling season is starting next week. Format is changed this year Barry to a knock out structure so a good start is needed to avoid the relegation zone. We are pitted against our near neighbours Gort again for a 4th year in a row so it won t be an easy task to put one over on them. There is still a big void where you should be but we try and get on with it knowing that you are with us in spirit and will guide us on the field of play.

Thinking of you always Barry,

You were a credit to your family. The nicest family in the parish. God bless you all.

Fahy family, Tullira, Ardrahan
Hello Barry,

I am thinking of you today here in Sydney, 3 years have gone by and I feel very sad when I look at you in these photographs, such a fine young man. I know you are in heaven looking out for us all and you know you are sorely missed here.

Lots of love Mona, Geoff, Katelyn, Lillian and Jim.

It is still so hard to believe what happened three years ago. The last message I sent you on that dreadful Wednesday afternoon was to meet up in the Club house to do an extra session together. Every day I wish that you had been able to text me back and meet me there.

As we advance through life it is unbearable to think about how yours was cut short at 25. This year Emer and I build our home in Castleboy, we would have loved for you to have had the opportunity to build your own in Skehana. It saddens us to embrace the future without you in it

Forever in our thoughts and actions every day,
Kenneth & Emer

It's just so hard to believe it has been three years since we had to say goodbye. Although so much has changed, the pain & sadness of your loss still exists every day... I get sad when I'm in Kenny Park when they're calling out the teams & your named isn't called out. I get sad when I break a hurl, not because I've broken a hurl but because you're not there to fix it ..and I miss the chats we used to have in the garage. I get sad when I see ye're John Deere tractor, I remember how delighted and proud you were when ye got it & I hate that you didn't get the chance to drive it more. Although these memories make me sad, I am so glad I have them... They are a reminder of the type of person you were & how you will never be forgotten.

Loved & Remembered Always,
Your cousin & Friend

As we prepare for Patrick and Fiona's wedding in Italy on Friday next,we think and wish you could be with us. You are missed dearly every day and next Friday will be no different. Life goes on but your untimely death is still difficult to accept. Our prayers will be for your spirit to guide us and help us to stay strong and bless Fiona & Patrick in their married life.

Love Mam & Dad.

I am getting married today. It's awful that you are not with us. I will be praying to you and for you. I will miss you today as I do everyday.

God Bless. Patrick
So Barry ye finally did beat Gort in the County Semi final last weekend. You especially would have been delighted with this win. I can imagine you coming into my house after such a victory over Gort and finally putting Patsy in his place after years of slagging between the two of ye! I know that you will be there in your own way and will be remembered by all of your team mates next Sunday week. Hopefully ye will get the result as ye did that same weekend in November eight years ago on your 21st birthday when ye regained ye'r Senior status in the Intermediate final over in Ballinasloe. I will never forget how excited you were that day and I was so happy and proud of you.

Love always,
Barry, we are thinking of you on your 29th Birthday today. It's still so difficult to accept your loss. This week your team mates play in the County Final and we are so sorry you are not with them on this special occasion. Your spirit will guide and watch over us all no doubt.

Always in our thoughts and Prayers
Love Mam&Dad and all of us.
It's a bitter sweet day today for us Barry as we get ready to head off to Salthill for the county final. Sweet, because its every clubs dream to play in a county senior final but bitter because you won't be part of it. What keeps us going is that we know when ever the lads gather, whether its a match or training, we know that your spirit is with us and today will be no different. We remember you especially today Barry and know that you will be there amongst us.

God Bless,

As we all prepare for Colin and Lorraine's wedding this weekend in Cork, it's still difficult to understand why you will not be with us.
But I know you will be with us in spirit like every other you have been since May of 2009.

So many things have happened since you left us,
You became an uncle to little Joe, and you would love him. He's just like yourself, mad about tractors and hurling.
You got two new sisters-in-law and a third to be confirmed this weekend!
You were sadly missed for all these family celebrations Barry, as you will always be by all your family and friends.

Patrick, Colin, Adrian, Susan but especially your Mam and Dad are very brave at all these celebrations. But everyone knows that they are heartbroken that you are not with them - but they also know that you are watching out for them and helping them.

I came across a poem written for another young man that left his family suddenly and it puts into words more eloquently what I feel.

Its called "Too Soon"

Yours was a life that had hardly begun
No time to find your place in the sun
No time to do all you could have done
But you were loved enough for a lifetime

No time to enjoy the world and its wealth
No time to take life down off the shelf
No time to sing the song of yourself
Though you had enough love for a lifetime

Those who live long endure sadness and tears
But you'll never suffer the sorrowing years
No betrayal, no anger, no hatred, no fears
Just love - only love - in your lifetime

Geraldine, Michael, Martyn, Elaine & Michelle

As Lorraine and I set off this morning on our honeymoon I want to say a big thanks for looking over us on Saturday, a very special day for us, our Wedding Day. I know you were there with us all day as the sun shone and everything went to plan. Not a moment passed when you weren t being thought of. As you know this is what I said on the day and this is how I really feel...

"Barry you were more than a brother to me. You were my friend, work partner and colleague- as a brother, Susan and you were always thick as thieves when you were younger. You would do anything for anyone at any time. We worked together every day for years and we always have a great working relationship. --- except of course when I sent out the wrong material or gave you wrong directions we might have a bit of an argument--- but I loved every minute of it. As you said to me when times were tough Colin look after the paperwork and keep the work coming to me and I will keep the work done for you This was the same attitude and dedication that you showed on the hurling pitch every time you played with St Thomas s. I can still see you down in Athenry dressing room before a match and the two knees hopping to get going. As Robert Murray said the day we won the county final you ran every blade of grass with them today and I feel that you travel every mile with me every day and help me make every decision. Though you never met Lorraine I know that both of you would have got on so well. Barry , I , as all of us here today miss you so much, every single day. "

Keep us safe on our travels.
With love,

We continue to talk and remember you each and every day. As the club and the lads get ready for the All Ireland Club Final, we feel so sad that you are missing all this occasion.

Forever in our thoughts and prayers,
Mam & Dad

It's 1am here in Perth after St Patricks Day and St Thomas' are senior club All Ireland champions! As a Galwayman and a keen follower of all things GAA back home, I took an interest in today's final online and was obviously rooting for the victorious side... And as the Burke name is so synonymous with St Thomas' hurling club, it's only after dawning on me the connection you both have, having told me previously in our time together in GMIT... Which has now brought me to this tribute page in your memory with those heartfelt and beautiful messages from loving family and friends. With tears streaming down my face, I feel compelled to leave a message of my own! I lost my own sister Orla, in tragic circumstances some years back so I can relate with those closest to you!
Barry, I'm sorry I never got a chance to pay my final respects to you and to sympathise with your loved ones. I was shocked and saddened to hear of your untimely passing and to this day I have you in my thoughts and prayers.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your help and patience while in college together, you got me over a hurdle or 2 during our days and you always presented your assistance with a broad smile and good humour. And as I continue life down under as an Electrician, I will forever be indebted to your kind and caring nature on this earth... God Bless you Barry and may your family friends and team mates seek comfort knowing that you continue to mind and follow them all, in this short life's journey...

Michael Casserly, Perth.
Dear Barry,

We have just celebrated winning an All Ireland Club Title and not having you with us was extremely difficult. You would have been so proud and happy for John and the lads and all the team. Robbie's words "as Gaeilge" from the podium in Croke Park remembering you is special because we all knew his words came from deep inside. I can only imagine your smiling face with such a super win for the club.
We continue to face each day without you and it's one of life's greatest challenges for us all. You are missed so much by all of us and more recently by a college friend now living in Perth. You touched so many lives. You were such a fine young man.

Loved always,
Mam & Dad

I will never forget the phone call I got on this date four years ago. It was an honour to know you and to have spent time with you mate. I don't know why this memory is in my head this morning but I remember having a puck about with you in the warm up before training one evening. We eventually got bored of just hitting the ball over and back so we decided to pretend we were playing tennis instead, which is pretty difficult with hurls and sliotars. Still we both managed some pretty impressive serves, though I think you're sound effects were definitely better. I have nothing big or profound to say but just wanted to share this and say that you are massively missed lad.

(Daragh Lahiff, Loughborough, Leicestershire)
Dear Barry,

4 years today since your tragic accident that led to your untimely death. Our hearts were broken but with time we have come to accept such a tragedy. Your Mum and Dad and siblings are doing so well considering. You are always in our prayers. Jim and Lillian often light a candle for you at Mass, Katelyn's class prayed for you and your family this morning. I so wish you were here to see them grow up and to see your little nephew and niece. But it's not to be. I am sure you are keeping an eye on all of us. God Bless you Barry.

Mona and Family

We think of you each day and feel so sad. We would love to be able to tell you about all the things that are happening. The hurling season is in full swing again. Your loss is immense. You are always in our prayers and thoughts. Missed by all of us.

Love Mam & Dad
On your 30th birthday Barry, it is still so difficult to comprehend what happened. You will always be missed so much.

God Bless, Patrick.
Happy Birthday Barry. Hope they throw you a right good party up there.

Dee Xx

While there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you, today is a milestone which leaves me with a heavy heart. It would be great to think we could be looking forward to your 30th birthday party but sadly its not to be. Today in a special way, I think of other happy occasions that we spent together and the great times we had. Good memories never fade. God bless you Barry, I pray you are in a peaceful and happy place now and hope that we will be able to have a great party with you one day.


Today would be your 30th Birthday and we can only now imagine how you would have celebrated it --probably worked today and organised get together at weekend. But this wasn't to be and what a pity. We all feel so sad for you and wished life was different. We all miss you and find it hard to accept your great loss.
All our good wishes Barry on this Special Day.
Mam & Dad xx

Christmas Day and it's our fifth Christmas without you.
You are loved and missed by all of us.

Mam & Dad xx
As we approach your fifth anniversary Barry, we still all feel so sad since your tragic passing. We miss you lots and lots. A perpetual Cup was presented recently in your memory to Connacht Post Primary Schools Championship. You being so proud of hurling it was a nice tribute to you. We continue our daily lives without you and it's not easy. Patrick & Colin are in their new homes now. Forever in our thoughts.

Mam & Dad.
Hi Barry: We were recently back in Ireland and it is sad that you are not there. Noel bought a hurley for Jim and I know you would be the first out there teaching him how to use it. We all miss you Barry but know you are looking after us and you are forever in our thoughts and conversations. I am so proud to tell Katelyn, Lillian and Jim what a great person and hurler you were.

God Bless
Mona, Geoff, Katelyn, Lillian and Jim.
Five years since we had say goodbye.
Miss you always
Dee X
5 years have gone and it doesn't get any easier.
Miss ya so much.
Hope you are happy where you are now.
Happy 31st Birthday Barry, thinking of you always
Love Lorna

Thinking of you today on your 31st birthday. It's not fair that there is no cake to share, no candles to blow out, just memories to comfort us. A special prayer on your birthday as we remember you fondly.

Paula and John
Happy Birthday Barry. Love all in Kildare

Can't stop thinking of you today especially on your Birthday Barry. There are no words to describe your loss and how much you are missed. Forever in our thoughts and prayers.

Love Mam & Dad xx.
Happy belated 31st Barry, thinking of you and saying a prayer for you today. I was just remembering back 10 years ago today and on the night of your 21st how you were one happy man after winning the Intermediate with your beloved St Thomas.

God Bless
Justin F
Thinking of you fondly today Barry. Our sixth Christmas without you and we feel so sad and lonesome for you. We continue to keep going but you are missed greatly.

Love Mam & Dad
Your Sixth anniversary today Barry. Dearly missed by all of us.

Love Mam & Dad
Happy Birthday Barry. Thinking of you today as always.

Thinking of you today Barry on your birthday. A special prayer for a special person. Never far away from our thoughts.

John, Paula and lads
Always thinking of you and missing you so much. No celebrations for your 32nd Birthday.

Love Mam & Dad
Hi Barry
I know its been a while since I ve written but as you know you are always close to my heart. There isn t a day goes by that I don t think of you. Lorraine and myself had a lovely baby boy two weeks ago on the 20/4/16. We named him Donagh Barry Burke in your memory, so your memory will go on for many years to come. He will ask about you and I will enjoy telling him what a wonderful brother and friend you were and all the great times we had both at home, on holidays and hurling. We are blessed to have him. We hope and pray that you are safe in the hands of God and you will look down on him and guide him through his life. We will always love and miss you terribly.


God Bless you amongst the City of Angels! I keep in touch with my faith and as I sit here in St Mary's church, Darwin, I think about you and those who have passed on, my thoughts and prayers never too far away from those who've made an impact on my life! And although you no longer share your life with us, you continue to give back in so many other ways! Through you and your family's selfless act of kindness in donating, you've blessed those in need with hope and happiness for time to come. My own brother Barry is a successful recipient of a liver transplant, as a result of cancer, and who is now coming up on 4yrs embracing life from the gift of someone special. We as a family understand and cherish the significance of such an act, both physically and spiritually! May your family and those close to you, Please God, take comfort from that fact. Continue to shine your light Barry.

Michael & Tara Casserly(Perth)
Dear Barry,

Another County final today Barry without you. We know you will be with us though in your own way. Let your spirit be with us today.

Paula, John and lads

Remembering you on your Birthday, a sad day for all your family & friends especially your Mam & Dad.

Happy birthday Barry... Forever in our thoughts.

Love, Dee Xx
Remembering you always especially today on your 33rd birthday. Forever in our thoughts.

Love Mam & Dad.
Thinking of you Barry,

Petula x
Remembering you fondly today Barry. It's been 8 years since that terrible day. Forever in our thoughts and prayers.

Love Mam & Dad. XX.

Thinking of you today Barry on your 34th birthday. Never far from our thoughts and always in our prayers. God bless.

John Paula and gang xx

Thinking of you today Barry. Forever in our thoughts. You are sorely missed.

Mona and family

Such a lovely site - full of memories of Barry. Shows what a gift his life was to you all. I am very sorry for your loss but I believe you now have an angel in heaven - like me how lost my mum recently.

Thanks, Pat for sharing this.

Thinking of you today Barry,


Remembering you today Barry on your 35th birthday, so sad that you are not here to celebrate it. 4 days away from another County Final without you is heart breaking...... we know you will be with us in spirit, like you always are.

John, Paula and lads xx

Barry thinking of you so much on your 35th Birthday. Missing you lots and feel so sad that your life was cut short on that fateful day. All our Love and Birthday wishes ...

Mam and Dad

Another birthday & County Final without you. Always in my thoughts.

Dee xx

Happy belated 35th Barry, thinking of you this weekend, I'm sure you will be cheering on from above.
Missed so much by all.

God bless,
Justin F

Happy 36th birthday Barry....


Remembering you today Barry with great sadness on your Birthday

Love Mam and Dad. xx

Remembering you today Barry as your 11th anniversary approaches. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as they are every day.

God bless you Barry,
John and Paula and family

Thinking of you Barry on your 11th anniversary. Missing you lots and wishing that fateful day in May 09 never happened.
You will never be forgotten.

Love Mam & Dad xx

Happy 37th birthday Barry. 2020 has been some year - A global pandemic due to COVID-19 and the lads went on to win the 3-in-a-row...


Thinking of you Barry on your 12th anniversary.
You will never be forgotten.

from all of us.

Remembering you today Barry on your Birthday. Missing you lots.

All our love, Mam & Dad

Happy 38th birthday Barry. 2021 has been another strange year - COVID-19 still with us.


In Our thoughts and conversations regularly Barry
Always remembered.

David Holland

Thinking of you Barry on your 13th anniversary.
You are missed every day.

All of us x

Happy 39th birthday Barry. You would be enjoying this week as we build up for the county final on Sunday. We will be missing you.


Remembering you Barry on your 39th birthday

John and Paula and all of us

Barry, we are thinking of you especially today on your 39th Birthday, You Will never be forgotten.

Lots of Love, Mam & Dad

Thinking of you today Barry here in Australia and how you are missed but forever in our thoughts. Jim - who you carried around in your arms for me any time I was at your home is 18 now and it saddens me that you are not seeing one another grow up. May you rest in peace.


Happy 40th birthday Barry! I hope you have a wonderful party up there. We love you & miss you every day ❤ ️

Love Dee xx

Thinking of you Barry on your 40th birthday. You are forever in our hearts and thoughts Barry. You are sorely missed. May you be resting in peace.

Mona and Family

Thinking of you today and missing you lots on your 40th Birthday. Wishing you could have been here to celebrate but not to be. Happy Heavenly Birthday Dear Barry.

Love Mam & Dad

Thinking of you today Barry, God Bless.


Barry it's 15 years since you were tragically taken from us. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. You are sorely missed and I can only imagine what a fine young man you would be now. May you be resting in peace.

Mona and family

Thinking of you today Barry, 15years since the tragedy and it feels like yesterday. Forever in our thoughts and missing you lots.

Love Mam&Dad